Periodontics in Irvine, CA

At Guru Dentistry, we are dedicated to the health of your teeth and mouth. We know how important the health of your gums is to the preservation of your teeth and we may recommend periodontal treatment if we see signs of advancing gum disease. 

The first stage of gum disease is gingivitis, marked by swollen, sore gums that may bleed when you brush or floss. If not treated properly, gingivitis develops into periodontitis or advanced gum disease. At this point, you are risking permanent damage to teeth and bone.

Treating Periodontitis

As gum disease advances, the gums begin to pull away from the teeth, leaving pockets in which bacteria can thrive. Our treatment for this problem is scaling and root planing. 

Scaling involves reaching under the gums to clean out accumulated tartar (calculus). Root planing smooths the roots of the teeth under the gums so bacteria can’t find places to hide. After the procedure, gums should adhere more tightly to the roots. 

You can trust Dr. Vanila to carefully monitor your gums and recommend the best treatment to keep them healthy. Call us if you notice any gum swelling or soreness. 

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