Interceptive Orthodontics in Irvine, CA

Recent discoveries in dental technology enable us to take early action to encourage optimal development of a child’s mouth and jaws to prevent future dental problems. With early examination and treatment, we can:

  • Guide permanent teeth into their ideal positions
  • Encourage increased jaw growth to prevent crowding
  • Improve alignment of upper and lower jaws
  • Expand children’s airways to correct sleep apnea

Early or interceptive orthodontics can shorten future orthodontic treatment and eliminate the need for future jaw surgery. With the Vivos system, we can begin early to eliminate obstructive sleep apnea that affects many children’s moods, behavior and academic success. Learn more.

The benefits are many and start with a simple examination and imaging. If you have a child ages 6 to 10, please contact us to determine if interceptive orthodontics can help create a beautiful, healthy future smile for them. 

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